Saturday, May 14, 2011



I will not accept late folders so make sure you are working on all of your poems!!!

Useless Things Poem

Today we talked about how to write a Useless Things Poem. 

Here are a few things to remember:

* Make sure that when you are thinking of an object, you are thinking of what you could take away from that object to make it useless.

     For example:  A ladder without rungs
    - If you had a ladder without rungs what would it be??....2 poles!  The purpose of the ladder changed by taking away something from the object.

* Must be 5 couplets in length
* Each line must have the word "without" in it


Assonance Confusion...

As most of you realized, Assonance poems, which focus around the repetition of vowel sounds, are somewhat difficult to write.  Their cousin, Alliteration poems, which focus around the repetition of consonant sounds, are a lot easier. 

Look at my example:

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride.

Look at all of the long "I" vowel sounds.

Remember when you are writing your Assonance poem:

* Focus on a long or short vowel sound.
* Each line could have a different repeated vowel sound - you don't need to have to the same vowel sound throughout the entire poem.
* It can be about any topic - even if it doesn't necessarily make complete sense!
* It must have a corresponding illustration.

Haiku Fun!

As you should remember from class, a Haiku originated in Japan and is a form of poetry that pertains to nature and focuses on the number of syllables in each line. 

The format of a Haiku is:

Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables 

Remember that your 2 Haiku poems must:

* Be about nature (1 specific topic)
* Have the correct amount of syllables (If you are struggling with determining the number of syllables then see me tomorrow before class)
* 1 of your Haiku poems must be illustrated

Candy Bar Poem

Today we learned how to write a Candy Bar poem...and you even got to eat some delicious chocolate!

Remember that the Candy Bar poem is:

* 4 couplets
* Must begin with "Oh - (the name of your candy bar), Oh - (the name of your candy bar)"
* Can be handwritten or typed
* You must tape your candy bar wrapper to your poem

Don't eat too much chocolate so you are sick and can't come learn about Haiku's tomorrow! :)